Farm, Pond and Woodland


Possible the most numerous of all guests of Selbrigg pond are the Toads and Frogs that live in and around the water. Of the 17 sites now recorded by TOADWATCH over 1/3 of all toads were recorded crossing the road here.


2014 saw Selbrigg resume its position as the country's top patrolled crossing with 10527 toads successfully assisted and 446 frogs and 22 common newts.. Alas there were 632 casualties. And this was topped in 2015 with 11536, and 2016 where owing to very odd weather numbers were generally down there were 5492. 2017 numbers recovered slightly to 7036. Many thanks to John Mangan and his team who turn out to help our toads. We can put you in touch with John if you wish to join in, just email us.

Or if you would like to help the toadwatch effort at other sites please contact them directly so they can put you in contact with another local organiser.

Toad awareness road sign placed by Selbrigg Pond.